He thinks he looks pretty cool and I do have to agree. He was wearing it at the studio the other day, He said to me Mom, why is everyone saying I am cute, don't they know I am tough and cool! I hope this little guy stays as fun as he is now. He keeps the sunshine in our home.
Jaylee has been loving first grade. I was able to help chaperone her field trip this week, which was fun. We had to take six 1st graders on a nature walk for a hour and a half. eek. A long time. They also got to meet Smokey the Bear and play games up in AF canyon. I was glad to go, I am still the paranoid mom who wants to protect my baby.
Jaylee has had some cute moments lately in Ballet the other day her teacher asked her wear she got the power to do her battenments (kicks). Her answer was from Jesus!
She couldn't deny her, so she asked her wear Jesus put the power for her battenments. lol too cute!
Jett turns 1 on Saturday I can't beleive it! after Saturday we will update all the fun from his birthday bash!
You're kids are so cute! I can't believe Jett is going to be one! I want to send a card to Ben and Teea for Kynslee's b-day will you email me their new address please?
Kids say the cutest things! I love how they are so innocent and carefree!
Wow, Smokey hasn't aged a bit. He still looks just the same as he did 26 years ago when I met him.
Your kids are darling!!!
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