The kids were truly wrapped in the magic of Christmas. I just want to freeze time sometimes, they are so much fun right now. Truly innocent, beleiving, and loving life. I am so blessed to be their mother. I am just amazed that I have been trusted with these sweet spirits. I love my kids. They are the best thing I have ever done!
We had the best Christmas morning, Jaylee got the Julie American girl doll she wanted so badly, EJ got an electronic drum set, and Jett got a guitar. So fun. Jaylee's face was the best when she saw her doll, true wonderment!! EJ ran so fast to his gifts, I couldn't get his picture!! Jett just loved unwrapping everything. It didn't matter what it was, or if it was even his. lol He just ran around opening presents.
After the fun at our house we went to Nanny and Pop-pop's for a yummy breakfast, more presents. They sure spoil us!! We also had a yummy Christmas dinner, playing with our new toys, guitar hero, and other games. Such a fun day.
We just wish we could have all our family together. We sure missed all the Hoover's out in Cali, and wished it would have been possible for us all to be together. We have so much to be grateful for. and truly had a blessed Christmas.
This face says it all. hahaha